Studying at Higher Vocational School
As a short cycle, higher vocational education in the Republic of Slovenia is an independent pillar of tertiary education and as such is part of the first Bologna cycle, providing level 6 education.

Study programmes are based on professional standards that reflect the current needs for human resources, skills and knowledge, as well as the latest trends in the profession.
During their studies, students can benefit from an international exchange through Erasmus+ as part of their practical training.
Our mission
Together with industry, the School provides a motivated, creative, responsible and professionally qualified engineering workforce.
Admission to higher education is open to anyone:
• who has passed the general or vocational matura or who has completed the corresponding course of study under the previous regulations or
• who has passed the master craftsman, foreman or shop manager examination, has three years’ work experience, and has passed an examination in general education subjects to the extent required for the vocational matura in upper secondary vocational education.
Apply based on the Call for Enrolment in Higher Professional Education within the following deadlines:
- The first deadline for applications is around the beginning of March,
- The second deadline for applications is the last week of August.
For exact dates and information, follow the link:
Attention for foreign applicants: Before applying, please check also the deadlines for submitting International Baccalaureat – IBO results and the procedures for the recognition of certificates at this link.
Send the completed and signed application form by registered mail or hand it in in person to the following address: Higher School Application Service, Celje School Centre, Pot na Lavo 22, 3000 Celje
Higher education study programmes are valued at 120 credit points (CP) according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Full-time studies take 2 years or 4 semesters. Study programmes are carried out at school or by employers. The academic year comprises 34 weeks of educational work in the first and second years, of which:
• 24 weeks of lectures, seminars and laboratory exercises at shool and
• 10 weeks of practical training with employers.
Part-time study is tailored in time and delivery and lasts for 2.5 years or 3 cycles.
Practical training
40 % of the study programme is based on experiential learning and takes place in the company with the support of mentors. Practical training gives you direct contact with employers and real work experience already during your studies. If the student has at least 3 years of relevant work experience, the practical training may be recognised.
Study process
• The study process takes the form of lectures, seminars, laboratory and field exercises, and professional excursions.
• Students produce and defend seminar papers, project work, reports and diploma theses.
• Students have an electronic index.
• Registration and check-out for the exam is electronic via the internet.
• Exam dates are set in the school’s annual work plan at the beginning of the academic year and published on the website.
• At least 3 examination periods are scheduled after the end of the lectures of each subject.
• Students may pass the examination by partial examinations.
• Students use printed and e-learning materials (e-classroom).
• Students borrow additional materials from the library of ŠC Celje.
• Higher education programmes are two years long and get you to the education and job you want quickly.
• Education and training takes place at school, in modern lecture theatres, laboratories and in companies.
• You get the quality expertise and competences the labour market needs.
• You gain practical skills that you can use immediately in practice or in further study.
• Together with your company mentor, you choose the topic of your practical diploma thesis.
Pot na Lavo 22, 3000 Celje – SI
(Google map)
Telephone: 03/428-58-53
Fax: 03/428-58-88
IBAN: SI 56 0110 0603 069 6740
Tax number: 76965007
Registration number: 5082692007
Principal: mag. Matej Ozebek
Educational programme
Slovensko | English | Deutsch |
Higher vocational education is part of the Bologna system of studies and is valued by ECTS credit system.
ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System is a grading system providing systematic description of study programmes and their valuation with credits and is based on the actual course load of student.
Historical milestones:
1.3.2023 | The management of the ŠC Celje School of Higher Education, VSŠ has been taken over by a new headteacher, mag. Matej Ozebek. The long-standing headteacher who has been in charge of the School since its establishment, Mr Alojz Razpet, retired as of 28.2.2023 and handed over the management of the School of Higher Education, VSŠ to a new headteacher. |
26. 10. 2021 | The Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA) carried out another distance external evaluation on 26 and 27 October 2021. |
2021 | The Higher Vocational School is celebrating 25 years of operation. |
2020 – 2021 | Due to the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the study process has partly used the world wide web or has become distance education. |
4. 10. 2018 | Mr. Alojz Razpet, the principal of the Higher Vocational School received an award of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of education for 2018 for his outstanding achievements in higher education. |
8. 03. 2017 | The International Commission of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA) carried out another external evaluation. |
24. 11.2016 | In 2016, the Higher Vocational School of Celje celebrated 20 years of operation. Celje Television broadcasted the diploma award ceremony for graduates in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, CIVIL ENGINEERING, MECHATRONICS and AUTOMOTIVE MANAGEMENT. |
1.10.2013 | The first two graduates of the Higher Vocational School in Automotive Management obtaining the 6th level of qualification and the professional title of Automotive Engineers. |
27.2.2012 | The first regular external evaluation by NAKVIS (27.2.2012 – 28.2.2012). |
1.12.2009 | Celebrating the 50th anniversary of ŠOLSKI CENTER CELJE /SCHOOL CENTRE CELJE. |
1.10.2008 | In academic year 2008/2009, education and training commenced under renewed study programs – Bologna system. |
1.10.2006 | The first generation of full-time students in Mechatronics enrolled in the academic year 2006/2007. |
1.10.2005 | The academic year 2005/2006 signified a turning point for the first generation of part-time students enrolled in the programmes of Mechatronics and Traffic and Transport. |
1.10.1999 | The date of implementation of full-time study in Civil Engineering in the academic year 1999/2000. |
11.11.1998 | The Award of the first Higher Vocational College Diplomas. 26 students of Mechanical Engineering completed their studies. |
1.10.1998 | In the academic year 1998/1999, the first generation of part-time students in Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering was enrolled. |
1.9.1998 | Martin Učakar, first cycle graduate in mechanical engineering. |
1.10.1996 | In the academic year 1996/1997, the first generation of full-time students in Mechanical Engineering was enrolled. |
International cooperation
Our institution holds an Erasmus University Charter awarded to eligible institutions by the European Commission. The Erasmus University Charter (EUC) shall present a general framework and/or a prerequisite for European cooperation within Erasmus activities in the field of tertiary education.
Our students are offered a chance to complete their practical training as part of their study requirements in one of the host countries. The goals of mobility are, as follows:
- To allow students to acquire educational, linguistic and cultural experience in one of the participating countries;
- To promote cooperation between higher education institutions and strengthen learning environment ;
- To contribute to the development of highly qualified, widely knowledgeable and internationally experienced young individuals and future experts ;
- To ease the transfer of credit points and recognition of requirements completed abroad by applying ECTS or other compatible system, and
- To spend some time during the course of study abroad in a company or similar organisation to get to know the needs of the new European labour market, acquire specific skills and improve their understanding of social and economic culture of a host country.
Call for applications for Erasmus+ >>
Cooperation with industry
The beginning of Higher Vocational College dates back in 1996 when the first generation of students was enrolled. In 1995/1996, within the PHARE European project and in cooperation with companies we prepared the short-cycle higher education study programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering. In cooperation with the Chamber of Craft and Small Business, we have prepared a short-cycle higher education programme in Automotive Management. From the outset, one of the goal-orientations of Higher Vocational College is being part of real economy. At present, 2,000 students have graduated. The final thesis topics are always suggested by students together with the company, where they have their practical training or are employed. So, it can be said with certainty that solutions have been offered to companies for at least 2,000 of their projects. A student is faced with a specific problem to solve in cooperation with his mentor in school and in a company.
The study programme is carried out in part in companies as practical training. In the period of 10 weeks (400 hours) of their practical training, our students participate in company activities. Our lecturers who are responsible for organising practical training of students visit students in companies and together with their mentors in companies define achievement of professional competencies.
In all these years, the roles have become intertwined. Many a student has now taken the role of a line manager and often mentors someone younger in a company. This involvement and cooperative learning and working environment are a foundation not only for successful existence but also the development of Higher Vocational College.
Through various projects the College cooperates with industry in the Slovenian and European areas. More about goals and achievements of common projects has been presented in Slovenian at the following links.
Find out more about projects >>
Work and equipment
At Higher Vocational College, we have invested substantial amount of assets in purchasing new and modern equipment. There are lecture rooms, laboratories for Mechatronics, Pneumatics, Hydraulics, Mechanical Engineering workshops with several CNC machines, classrooms with CNC Sinumeric controller simulators, several computer classrooms and most up-to-date equipment (Creo, MDESIGN, Acad).
Diploma award
Awarding of diplomas to our students is a very formal event. It is a payment for all the time spent in the course of study. It is recognition of knowledge acquired and an incentive for professional work in the new engineering profession.
You may have a look at some photographs of events starting 1998 to 2013.
Photo gallery of diploma award 2013.
Photo gallery of diploma award 2012.